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Bare a better butt with new Cellulite Buster



Get rid of those little wrinkly bumps on your butt,belly or thighs with  Cellulite Buster, it could make all the difference in how you look while boosting bathing suit self-confidence.

While hardly harmful, cellulite is not attractive and fairly difficult to remove without exercise, diet and a little h help from companies such as Greensations, manufacturers to Cellulite Buster, a cream that draws excess moisture from around those fatty deposits that cause those dreaded dimples.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re fat or thin, anyone can develop cellulite, which is particularly common in women and sometimes a result of pure genetics, hormone imbalances, dehydration and bad eating habits.

Of course losing weight and toning up can help y buff you up,  but the  trick is to reduce excess water and replenish natural elastin in problem areas such as the thighs and buttocks. The most effective cellulite treatments reduce the appearance of fatty bumps by removing excess water beneath the skin surface. The most effective ingredient to remove excess water is caffeine.

According to Greensations, “Cellulite Buster quickly draws excess moisture from around the fatty deposits and can be used on the go as needed without leaving messy hands and stained clothing and it provides fast results.”    It comes in an atomized spray that penetrates the skin 80% more efficiently than creams without blocking pores. The product contains 30% caffeine which tends to get the job done faster and more effectively than other brands. It costs $19.99. For more information call  855-233-8995 or go to
http://www.greensations.com/Cellulite-Butter-s/79.htm or www.Greensations.com.